
Microsoft visual c++ toolbar example

Microsoft visual c++ toolbar example use toolbar buttons to move movable rectangle m_rect_movable in four directions up, down , left and right and when intersected with a fixed rectangle m_rect_fixed it draws new rectangle with red - hatched pattern and also it the movable rectangle become blue hatched when it approaches the border rectangle m_rectBorder .
This program is similar to a previous program that used menu items to control the position of a movable rectangle
There is 2 things to check the first one is to check the intersection between the movable rectangle and the fixed rectangle so that draw a hatched pattern in the intersection rectangle I could not use IntersectRect function because it takes LPCRECT as parameters and the other thing to check was if the movable rectangle is close to the border rectangle ,you can GetClientRect function to get the window's client area instead of the border rectangle

To build the application

1- Chose new and build single doc application and name it like TOOLBAR_MOVE_EX
2- In the resource view go to toolbar and delete some of the default buttoms and add 4 buttoms as shown in the fig below and assign the following IDs to them ID_SHIFT_LEFT ,ID_SHIFT_RIGHT ,ID_MOVE_UP and ID_MOVE_DOWN sorry for the unpretty buttoms !!

3-Add the following data members to your derived CView class ( 3 rectangles and 5 boolean variables)
CRect m_rectBorder , m_rect_movable, m_rect_fixed ; // border ,movable and fixed rectangles respectively
BOOL m_bLeftBorder ,m_bRightBorder,m_bTopBorder ,m_bButtomBorder ,m_bIntersect;
// border and intersection indicators
4- In the view class initilize your data members as follows
CTOOLBAR_MOVE_EXView::CTOOLBAR_MOVE_EXView():m_rectBorder(10 ,10,340,340),m_rect_fixed(100,100,200,200) ,m_rect_movable(40,30,90,130)

m_bLeftBorder =m_bRightBorder =m_bTopBorder =m_bButtomBorder =m_bIntersect==FALSE ;


5- In your view add windows messege handlers for command and update command as follows

void CTOOLBAR_MOVE_EXView::OnShiftLeft()

if(m_rect_movable.left <=(m_rectBorder.left +40)) m_bLeftBorder = TRUE ; m_rect_movable.OffsetRect(-10,0); m_bRightBorder = FALSE ; if (m_rect_fixed.PtInRect(m_rect_movable.TopLeft()) | m_rect_fixed.PtInRect(m_rect_movable.BottomRight())| m_rect_fixed.PtInRect(CPoint(m_rect_movable.right,m_rect_movable.top))|m_rect_fixed.PtInRect(CPoint( m_rect_movable.left,m_rect_movable.bottom))) { m_bIntersect =TRUE ; } InvalidateRect(NULL,TRUE); } void CTOOLBAR_MOVE_EXView::OnUpdateShiftLeft(CCmdUI* pCmdUI) { pCmdUI->Enable(!m_bLeftBorder);


void CTOOLBAR_MOVE_EXView::OnShiftRight()

if(m_rect_movable.right >= ( m_rectBorder.right -30 ))
m_bRightBorder = TRUE ;

m_bLeftBorder = FALSE ;

if (m_rect_fixed.PtInRect(m_rect_movable.TopLeft()) | m_rect_fixed.PtInRect(m_rect_movable.BottomRight())| m_rect_fixed.PtInRect(CPoint(m_rect_movable.right,m_rect_movable.top))|m_rect_fixed.PtInRect(CPoint( m_rect_movable.left,m_rect_movable.bottom))) {
m_bIntersect =TRUE ;




void CTOOLBAR_MOVE_EXView::OnUpdateShiftRight(CCmdUI* pCmdUI)



void CTOOLBAR_MOVE_EXView::OnMoveDown()

if( m_rect_movable.bottom >= ( m_rectBorder.bottom -20))
m_bButtomBorder = TRUE ;

m_rect_movable.OffsetRect(0,10) ;
m_bTopBorder = FALSE ;

if (m_rect_fixed.PtInRect(m_rect_movable.TopLeft()) | m_rect_fixed.PtInRect(m_rect_movable.BottomRight())| m_rect_fixed.PtInRect(CPoint(m_rect_movable.right,m_rect_movable.top))|m_rect_fixed.PtInRect(CPoint( m_rect_movable.left,m_rect_movable.bottom))) {
m_bIntersect =TRUE ;




void CTOOLBAR_MOVE_EXView::OnUpdateMoveDown(CCmdUI* pCmdUI)



void CTOOLBAR_MOVE_EXView::OnMoveUp()

if(m_rect_movable.top <= (m_rectBorder.top + 20)) m_bTopBorder =TRUE ; m_rect_movable.OffsetRect(0,-10) ; m_bButtomBorder = FALSE ; if (m_rect_fixed.PtInRect(m_rect_movable.TopLeft()) | m_rect_fixed.PtInRect(m_rect_movable.BottomRight())| m_rect_fixed.PtInRect(CPoint(m_rect_movable.right,m_rect_movable.top))|m_rect_fixed.PtInRect(CPoint( m_rect_movable.left,m_rect_movable.bottom))) { m_bIntersect =TRUE ; } InvalidateRect(NULL,TRUE); } void CTOOLBAR_MOVE_EXView::OnUpdateMoveUp(CCmdUI* pCmdUI) { pCmdUI->Enable(!m_bTopBorder);


6- Edit the OnDraw member function of your generated view

pDC->Rectangle(m_rectBorder) ; // white hallow
pDC->SelectStockObject(LTGRAY_BRUSH); // outer rectangle
pDC->Rectangle(m_rect_fixed); // fixed rectangle

CBrush bluebrush(HS_DIAGCROSS, RGB(0, 0, 250)); // blue brush for border condition when moveable rect on border

if(m_bLeftBorder |m_bRightBorder |m_bTopBorder |m_bButtomBorder)
pDC->SelectObject(bluebrush) ; // if in nearby the border rectangle
if(m_bIntersect) {
CRect rc_intersection ;// use red hatch pattern
rc_intersection.IntersectRect(m_rect_movable ,m_rect_fixed);
CBrush brushHatch(HS_DIAGCROSS, RGB(255, 90, 0));
pDC->SelectObject(brushHatch) ;

7- try to move the movable rectangle around when you start the application you will start with a window like this
and after moving it for some bushes on the button you will get similar to this and try to move near the corners to see what happens there

to dowbload the whole project clich the link here

and the exe file

and do not forget to add accelerator use GetClientRect instead of the border Rect


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