
biology multiple choice test

In this Biology multiple choice test

CHOOSE THE BEST ANSWER. Write only the corresponding letter of your choice on the answer sheet.

1_ What causes water molecules to adhere and cohere to each other to form a column when poured?
1. polarity
2. hydrogen bonding
3. covalent bonding
4. neutral charges
5. all of the above

2. The epidermis of a green stem of an herbaceous plant contains numerous small green spheres called
1. chloroplasts
2. mitochondria
3. guard cells
4. nuclei
5. vacuole

3. The process by which chloroplasts moving about the perimeter of a live cell is termed

1. vibrating cells
2. cyclosis or cytoplasmic streaming
3. high power magnification
4. epidermal streaming
5. photosynthesis

4. Which of the following processes you used for separation of organelles in carrot root cells?

1. filtration
2. centrifugation
3. grinding and homogenization
4. staining
5. A, B, and C are correct

5. Which of the following can be observed in the sediment after filtration of ground carrot root with sucrose-buffer solution
1. whole or fragmented cells
2. starch grains
3. vessel elements
4. oxalate crystals
5. all of the above

6. What was the purpose of adding iodine potassium iodide (I2KI) when you examined carrot cells?

1. to stain the cell walls
2. to stain the starch granules
3. to separate the chloroplasts
4. to separate the chromoplasts
5. to precipitate the organelles

7. After centrifugation of homogenized carrot roots, the orange-tinted liquid on top is termed

1. sediment
2. residue
3. supernatant
4. filtrate
5. cytosol

8. Different cellular materials/organelles are present after filtration and centrifugation because cellular parts vary in

1. density
2. sizes 3. solubility
4. all of the above
5. both A and B only

9. Carrot roots homogenized and centrifuged with sucrose-buffer solution produce colored supernatant although chromoplasts remain intact because carrot cells

1. have cytoplasmic orange pigments
2. have water- soluble carotenoid pigments
3. have cytosol that is colored orange
4. have orange cell walls
5. have chromoplasts that do not settle

10. What two structures are shown by pith cells of the stem when observed under a compound microscope?

1. cell wall and nucleus
2. cell wall and mitochondria
3. cell wall and chloroplasts
4. cell wall and chromoplasts
5. cell wall and cytoplasm

11. When a glass rod is rubbed with a piece of cloth and placed near a stream of water,

1. water stream repels it
2. water stream stops
3. water stream is attracted to it
4. water stream flow hastens of slows down
5. glass rod is charged

12. Which is the correct structural formula of water illustrating its polarity?

1. H2O
2. O-


3. H - O- H

4. O – H – O
5. H+


13. A drop of water compared to a drop of ethyl alcohol, water has

1. higher elevation
2. higher rate of evaporation
3. lesser diameter
4. smooth margin
5. all of the above except B

14. What causes water molecules to adhere and cohere to each other to form a column when poured?

1. polarity
2. hydrogen bonding
3. covalent bonding
4. neutral charges
5. all of the above

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  2. where can I see the answers?

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